2021 Piranesi Honorable Mention

Hunting Grounds, Pet Crematorium, Drnov 

Hunting Grounds, Pet Crematorium, Drnov, The Czech Republic, 2021

architects: Petr Hájek, Martin Stoss, Cornelia Klein

Petr Hájek architekti

photo: Benedikt Markel

The project injects a surprising program into the ruins of a military air defense site to produce a captivating effect that is both ephemeral and grounded. The magic of the shimmering, mirrored wall is that it dissolves into the landscape while also embodying a sense of otherworldliness. A simple element creates an enigmatic experience whereby pet owners can find solace.

Hunting Grounds, Pet Crematorium, Drnov, The Czech Republic, 2021

architects: Petr Hájek, Martin Stoss, Cornelia Klein

Petr Hájek architekti

photo: Benedikt Markel