2019 Piranesi Honorable Mention

Chiostri di San Pietro, Reggio Emilia 

Chiostri di San Pietro – San Pietro Cloisters, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2019

architects: ZAA - Zamboni Associati Architettura

photo: Alessandra Chemollo, Kai-Uwe Schulte Bunert

The project boldy counterpoints the existing masonry building with a delicacy and a lightness of touch in the detailing. The private space of the monastery has been made public, but developed with a simplicity wholly appropriate to the serenity of the existing structures. 

Chiostri di San Pietro – San Pietro Cloisters, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2019

architects: ZAA - Zamboni Associati Architettura

photo: Alessandra Chemollo, Kai-Uwe Schulte Bunert